Sunday, February 21, 2010

How To Say Congratulations On An Aa Anniversary Do You Always Have To Say Congratulations On A Pregnancy?

Do you always have to say congratulations on a pregnancy? - how to say congratulations on an aa anniversary

I noticed a trend that people always say: "Congratulations" when someone (even a random number Strangers on a message board) when you could be pregnant.

I understand that this is generally the polite thing to say.
However, I have noticed that people always say (or equivalent), if you can not say whther pregnancy is desired or not.

I wonder how it is more appropriate to answer the questions someone when you do not know if the pregnancy is desired, or if you prefer to cancel?
It is a truism necessary if we do not know, do you need?


waggy said...

It depends entirely on context - if someone said they were raped, and if they believe that they are pregnant, congratulations would be inappropriate. When someone tells her partner and they have tried for years, and now she is pregnant, is congratulated appropriate.
People are very tedious presumption that pregnancy itself is always a good thing. For me is about context. So a question like: "I think you may be pregnant - how can I know?" Inappropite quite simply congratulating the fact of the pregnancy might be there.

jules vane said...

I usually say "better than me!"

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